
Posts Tagged ‘John Malkovich’

Film – Quick Thoughts: Con Air

January 29, 2012 2 comments

Sucker Punch
Con Air, directed by Simon West
Written by: Scott Rosenberg
Starring: Nicolas Cage, John Cusack and John Malkovich
My rating: 4 of 5

My eleventh film of 2012 was Con Air, a Christmas DVD. It’s the kind of film that I don’t know if I should actually like because it’s just so stupid, almost every character in the somewhat bloated cast being ridiculous. It feels like everybody knows that though, especially people like John Malkovich and Steve Buscemi, and it’s just so much fun to watch. Every main character has at least one sentence or scene that is just so silly, and I can’t help enjoying it every time I see it.

“I’m gonna show you god does exist.”

“Put the bunny back in the box.”

“He’s off saving the rain forest, or recycling his sandals or some shit. ”

“You with me, or do you need me to draw it in crayon, like usual? ”

“Ohh… nothing makes me sadder than the agent lost his blader in the… aaaiirrrplane. ”

“Do you know what I am?” “Ugly all day?”

“One girl, I drove through three states wearing her head as a hat. ”

“That skinny little man butchered thirty-some people up and down the eastern seaboard. They say the way he killed those people makes the Manson Family look like the Partridge Family!” “Well…he’s on the right flight.”

It’s all so silly, and such fun.